As this toolkit demonstrates, SDG 16 is a critical enabler to achieve any other SDGs, as they are impossible without a foundation of peace, justice and inclusion. Understanding the interlinkages between SDG 16 and other SDGs and international treaties is critical to accelerating progress on the 2030 Agenda. Please refer to the Annex of this toolkit for a comprehensive guide to SDG16+ targets and interlinkages, which presents a framework to systematically identify and outline the embedded interlinkages between SDG 16 and the other Goals in order to facilitate a better understanding to support policy coherence and forge a more integrated and strategic approach to the implementation of the SDGs.
Please refer to the Annex of this toolkit for a comprehensive SDG16+ indicators guide, which presents the official indicators and a set of supplemental indicators proposed by varying sources. The official global indicators for the SDGs are used to measure progress on specific targets. They are not necessarily reflective of or fully encompass the letter or spirit of all SDG16+ targets. Given that the official global indicators are not fully reflective of the entirety of each Goal, this indicator guide lists supplemental alternative indicators that can also be used to measure each target/Goal to provide a more comprehensive understanding. ***The listed supplemental indicators are indicative and non-exhaustive and are meant to provide alternative options for civil society partners to use to track progress towards SDG 16 in their own contexts.***
Transparency, Accountability &
Participation (TAP) Network
Address: 205 E 42nd St.
New York, NY 10017